Sofia Goggia

  • Discipline
    Alpine skiing
  • Date of birth
    15 November 1992
  • Place of birth

Sofia Goggia is definitely the most famous and appreciated italian skier. She’s strong, she’s like a phoenix of the snow, from which she always raised, winning even after some serious injuries that could have stopped everybody. But not her.

Class 1992, Sofia wore the ski for the first time when she was only three years old, competing in her first European Cup in 2008. Since her youth, this girl from Bergamo showed real talent, despite some major injuries. Her strong will always pushed her to the top, leading her to the debut in the World Cup, after achieving great results in the European Cup.

Fast, competitive and especially talented in more then one ski specialty, Sofia Goggia is the crown jewel of the national team. After other great results, 2018 was the golden year for Sofia. She won the downhill Wold Cup (also in 2021, 2022 and 2023) and she achieved the Gold Medal in the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang.

With a Gold Medal and 40 podiums in European and World Cups, Sofia lays on the Olympus of Champions. For her this wasn’t enough and after only 23 days from the injury of Cortina she made history by winning the Silver Medal in Downhill at the Olympic Games in Beijing.

Together with an impressive palmares, which can be improved, Sofia Goggia is a beloved personality, by both sponsors and supporters. She is a true champion, inside and outside the ski track, she faces injuries with determination and she is an icon for many. That’s what makes her unique.

Only the brave!




Gold Medal

Downhill Olympic Champion – Pyeongchang


1° place

Downhill World Cup


1° place

Downhill World Cup


Silver Medal

Downhill – Beijing Olympic Games


1° place

Downhill World Cup


1° place

Downhill World Cup



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